Packing Smiles
Port of Subs Helps Students Gear Up for School
The Port of Subs Sierra NV Co-Op is hitting the books and helping Northern Nevada students get ready for the school year! Through their annual fundraiser, $5,000 worth of backpacks and school supplies were donated to the Salvation Army’s Back Pack program. The Sierra NV Co-op is proud to be the “head of the class” as the largest donor, ensuring kids have all the tools they need to ace the upcoming school year.
#GearForGood #PortOfSubs #SalvationArmySupport #NorthernNevadaKids
Port of Subs is dedicated to supporting our community’s young learners! Curious about our other recent initiatives that benefit local schools? Check out a few of them here:
Port of Subs Volunteers Help Kids Gear Up for School